The Sacred performance of Barile

The oldest Via Crucis in the region is held here. The procession of the Mysteries is combined with symbolism reminscent of Albania. 117 actors, subdivided into 25 groups, – all chosen from the local people – recreate the Passion of Christ. Amongst this group, it is possible to distinguish the leading figures of the main episodes of the Via Crucis – after Jesus come the priests, the pious women, the Pharisees, the Madonna, the Apostles – and certain characters who are alien to our religious culture, including the Gypsy next to the Gypsy girl and the Moor together with the young moorish boy who represent the trap, the unknown. At the head of the religious procession are three centurions on horseback playing trumpets – the work of local artisans, as are the other accessories and costumes worn by the actors – and three little girls dressed in white. They are followed by the Three Marys, a girl in a black garment, who carries a banner bearing the signs of the Passion of Christ, and thirty three young girls wearing purple dresses recalling the age of Jesus at the time of his death.
Where: Barile (PZ)