National Archaeological Museum of Alta Val D’Agri and the Archaeological Area of ​​Grumentum

In his “History of Basilicata”, Tommaso Pedio writes that “the most illustrious city in Roman Lucania is Grumentum”. Located along the Via Erculea, Grumento was home to Bindaice, Ocilo and Ocello, all students of Pythagoras, and the summer residence of Roman senators. Today, Grumento Nova stands on a high hill in the Agri Valley, near the remains of the ancient city, which was destroyed by the Saracens in 1031.

Steeped in history and culture, the town offers visitors an interesting tour across sacred buildings and noble palaces, archaeological sites and museums. Among the churches, the ones dedicated to Saint Anthony and the Holy Rosary stand out, while among the “palaces of power”, the Sanseverino castle of Norman origin is really worth seeking out. Furthermore, Grumento archaeology is proudly displayed in the National Archaeological Museum of Contrada Spineta, while the Roman remains of Grumentum rise from the nearby archaeological park, considered one of the most important in southern Italy. The park’s most significant remains include a theatre dating back to the Augustan Age, two small temples from the Imperial Age, a patrician domus, the casa dei mosaici (house of mosaics) and the elliptical amphitheatre, which used to host gladiator games and attract the merchants travelling along the Empire’s streets.

NationalArchaeological Museum of Alta Val D’Agri

The National Archaeological Museum of the Alta Val d’Agri is the only national museum in the south-western area of Basilicata and narrates the history of the Roman city of Grumentum and the Alta Val d’Agri. In recent years, the cultural offer has been enriched with the exhibition of materials from new excavation campaigns, which led to the discovery of the Imperial Baths and the Forum.