The Carnival of Straw in Viggianello

Carnevale di Viggianello

Floats and ‘Pagliarino’, the typical mask, are the protagonists of the “Straw Carnival” of Viggianello.

Willow branches modelled by nimble hands take shape until gigantic structures which are covered with newspaper and paper mache. The parade of floats and masked groups is repeated at two different times, but in both cases the they are highly focused on allegory and folklore.

In Pedali, the new part of Viggianello, everything takes place on the Sunday before Shrove Tuesday, while in the historic centre the parade is held on Shrove Tuesday itself.

The hamlet of Pedali also plays host to the fun trial of the “Straw Carnival”, which ends with the ritual of burning the puppet who is sentenced to death. The traditional Carnival of Viggianello offers spectators unique experiences that blend the beauty of the surrounding landscape with the delicious tastes of the area.

Comune di Viggianello
T. +39 0973 664311
Pro Loco di Viggianello