The town rises above the gullies, clayey formations that characterise the area with their particular morphology, making it unmistakable with a typical lunar landscape. Here in Montalbano there is the Regional Reserve of the Gullies, the largest in Basilicata and featuring geological rarities that make it unique in the world and of unrivalled scenic beauty. The Reserve also hosts many plant and animal species; in particular, different varieties of birds can be observed, so much so that the area is known throughout Europe as IBA Important Bird Area.
In the village, among the religious buildings, it is worth mentioning the Mother Church dedicated to Santa Maria dell’Episcopio, which underwent several renovations. Today its features an eighteenth-century style, but the original nucleus dates back to the sixteenth century; inside there is a frontal made of polychrome marble and dedicated to the patron saint of the city.
Also noteworthy are the Porta dell’orologio and Palazzo Cassano, which it is the seat of the Rondinelli civic library and once hosted the first meetings of the anti-Bourbon republicans.
Montalbano is also famous for the cultivation of citrus fruits and vegetables in the so-called gardens of Montalbano.