Maschito too, like Barile and Ginestra, has Arbëreshë origins whose traces are very evident in the everyday dialect, in famous proverbs and in one of the key events of the summer program of the place: the Retnes, a historical re-enactment of the clashes between Greeks Coronei and Albanian Scuterini, the founders of Maschito.
The monumental fountain of the village is named after Skanderberg, an Albanian hero who faced the Angevins of Ferdinand of Aragon with numerous troops. In white stone, it is inserted between enchanting palaces from the 1700s and 1900s, characterised by classical portals and Doric columns, and among churches embellished, in Albanian style, with stucco decorations and oil paintings; among these, the Chiesa Madre of Sant’Elia, the Church of the Madonna del Caroseno, that of Purgatorio and the one dedicated to Madonna del Rosario.
Exciting is the Sacred Representation staged on Good Friday every year in the streets of the village. A way to relive, with a particular involvement, the salient moments of the life of Jesus Christ.