A small village enlivened by architectures from different periods, unmistakable dialects and flavours and made unique by the traces left by illustrious personalities such as the multifaceted Emanuele Gianturco, a well-known jurist and politician to whom a bronze monument located in the homonymous town square is dedicated, and the famous Giuseppe Nicola Summa, better known as Ninco Nanco, one of the protagonists of the phenomenon of post-unification brigandage, trusted lieutenant of Carmine Crocco. The buildings from the 18th century are quite enchanting, Palomba and Doria, and the Labella from the ‘800, to which we should add another strongly evocative element from the Middle Ages, the gate of the village “Arco della Piazza”.
Of particular historical architectural and religious interest are: the Church of the Madonna del Carmine, in the upper and ancient part of the village, with a structure dating back to the medieval period and restored several times, and the temple dedicated to San Vito, within whose walls we can admire artistic treasures such as paintings attributed to the Bresciano and the Lucanian Gian Lorenzo Cardone, along with a wooden statue portraying the Saint.
A few kilometres from the centre, in the small and pretty hamlet of Lagopesole, rises the evocative castle of Frederick the II. A royal hunting residence, it was used as a refuge by brigands and today houses the Lucanian emigration museum and halls set up in memory of Frederick’s ancient splendors.