Emperor Frederick II Museum

In the evening, great big projections on the internal walls of the courtyard of the Lagopesole Castle, the hunting residence of Emperor Frederick II, accompanied by a dynamic and intense narration, take the visitor on a journey through time and through the events of the manor and its protagonists, in an engaging multivision show. The images are superimposed on the walls of the castle, deconstructing and breaking them down at the service of representation, while the voice and face of Remo Girone lend themselves to narrating the great Emperor’s loves and affairs. And to get to know the spirit and culture of the period better, an artistic and multi-media exhibition in the spaces of the Castle invites you to discover Frederick’s epic life. In addition, the path of the narrative museum is enriched with new and exciting attractions, such as a book of about 3 meters in width which by magic becomes a projection screen for a new multimedia story, and becomes accessible thanks to a simultaneous and synchronised translation system in both English and Italian.


Info and booking
Pro Loco Castel Lagopesole
Via Federico II, 22
tel. 0971 86251
