The “Preggessione” of Oppido Lucano

Since 1979 the “Preggessione” has been organised by the Group for Recovery of Local Traditions which, reprising an ancient custom, follows an original script accompanied by musical extracts, specially chosen to reinforce each scene. Around 180 local people take part at 5.30 pm, with a crowded and joyous entrance into Jerusalem. It continues with the other scenes in the central Piazza Guglielmo Marconi: the miracle of the Man Born Blind, The Last Supper, the Conspiracy of the Sanhedrin, the Temptation of Judas and Judas before the Sanhedrin, The Garden of the Olives, Jesus’s Capture, the Trial before the High Priest, the Weeping of Peter, the Trial before Caiaphas, the entrance of the Roman Praetorians followed by the Governor Pontius Pilate on a chariot, the Trial in praetorium before Pontius Pilate, the Trial before Herod, Jesus again with Pontius Pilate and the Flagellation with the desperation of Judas. Jesus, then laden with the Cross, begins the Via Crucis, which winds along the streets of the centre of Oppido Lucano. At the end of the route, there are moving scenes of the Crucifixion and the Deposition. Where: Oppido Lucano (PZ)