Surrounded by the hills south of the Basento Valley, Salandra stands up on an isolated plateau carved by spectacular gullies. As many other boroughs of the area, despite its modest altitude (600m. a.s.l.), Salandra, with its stairways and steepy alleys, has the features of a mountain village. Even though settlements in this area date back to the pre-historical times , the town as it looks now has the medieval structure of the times of the Norman rule. In 1861 the town repelled with a bloody battle the attack by a gang of brigands led by Carmine Crocco . At the entrance of the historical inner town, the visitors will find a square with the San Biagio church, made of terracotta; on the other side, the huge structure of the Sant’Antonio church (with a XVIII Century portal and a magnificent organ dated 1570) and, at short distance, the Franciscan monastery, now the Town Hall. At the center of the cloister, surrounded by the municipal facilities, a graceful XVI Century well with columns aside; it certainly deserves a visit (as a bonus, it is an oasis of coolness even in the hottest hours of a summer day). The visit to the inner town has no planned routes through the stairways and the narrow streets. Noteworthy are the “Porta Nuova” (New Gate) and the “Chiesa Madre della Santissima Trinità” (Mother Church of the Holy Trinity) of medieval origin, restored after the 1857 earthquake.