Many boroughs in Basilicata are located in spectacular positions and with their plan and structure remind us of their origin in the antiquity or medieval times. Few of them, however, have the perfect architecture of Rotondella, the “Balcony on the Ionian Sea”, standing up on a hill at a 10km distance from the Ionian sea beaches, with a westward view of the Pollino mountain range. The town, “Rotunda Maris” according to medieval documents, ‘a Rëtunnë in the local dialect, stands at a 575m. altitude, looking over a landscape of cultivated fields, olive groves and gullies. Up on the highest point, the “Torre del Carcere” (Jail Tower), built in 1518 by prince Ferrante Sanseverino, surrounded by the baronal palace. Noteworthy are also the Tucci-Cospito, Ielpo, Rondinelli (in XVIII Century baroque style) and Albisinni mansions. The graceful ”Chiesa Madre”, dedicated to Santa Maria delle Grazie, preserves precious little wooden statues of the “Immacolata” (Immaculate Conception), “Madonna delle Grazie” and “Sant’Antonio di Padova”. This latter belonged to the Franciscan monastery of the Zoccolanti (clog wearers). Noteworthy too are a multi coloured marble altar and other statues of saints. Mount Coppolo, standing over the ravine at the merging point of the Sarmento and Sinni rivers, is still surrounded by the walls of a fortified town dated by the archaeologists to the IV Century B.C. It is probably the town of Lagaria, founded the mythical Epeus, the builder of the wooden horse that allowed the Achaeans to conquer Troy.