In the northernmost corner of Basilicata, the historical and graceful town of Lavello stands halfway between the Tavoliere delle Puglie (Apulia’s Plain) and Mount Vulture. The name, originating from the Medieval Latin word labellum (sheep watering hole), indicates the position of the town along the sheep tracks of the seasonal migrations. Lavello was an important stronghold of Byzantines and Longobards; in the year 839 it was the scene of the assassination of Riccardo, duke of Benevento. Since 1025 it is Episcopal See, under the Norman rule it was one of the twelve baronies of the County of Apulia. Frederick II of Suebia enlarged the fortress built by the Longobards, where his son Corrado IV died in the year 1254. In the year 1298 Lavello was set to fire by order of Charles I Anjou, an event remembered in the town’s crest. In later times, the town was property of the nobility: Orsini del Balzo, Del Tufo, Pignatelli and Caracciolo di Torella. The castle, renovated in the XVIII Century, houses the Town Hall and an Antiquarium. The most important churches are Sant’Anna (with a XVI Century Annunciazione by Antonio and Costantino Stabile), Santa Maria ad Martyres and Santa Maria delle Rose. The Mostra della Civiltà Contadina deserves a visit. Out of town, the XIX Century Masseria Marchesa with huge towers at its corners, and Casa del Diavolo (the Devil’s House), the ruins of a Roman spa.