Literary Park Francesco Mario Pagano in Brienza
The newly established literary park dedicated Francesco Mario Pagano, famous jurist and patriot from Basilicata, houses the Museo bio-bibliografico (bio-bibliography museum) curated by the “Francesco Mario Pagano” international research centre. The museum boasts over 5,000 books, many of which belonged to this influential exponent of the Enlightenment from Brienza and were donated to the Centre by Irene Giampietro, his heir. In Brienza, it is also possible to visit the key places linked to Pagano’s life and works, the ruins of his native house, perched on the slopes of Caracciolo castle and the works that represent him. There is also a famous painting by Giacomo Di Chirico, which depicts him in 1869, while the judge reads his sentence of death (municipal office of Brienza) and the stunning bronze statue by Achille D’Orsi (1890) in Piazza del Municipio.