The nickname “California of the South” is often used to indicate the area of Basilicata leading to Metapontino. This part of the region is very fertile, in fact, the four rivers that end their course in the Ionian Sea – Bradano, Basento, Agri and Sinni – have contributed, together with the climate, to making the agricultural land particularly prosperous. Lands that have often given rise to entire supply chains that have made it possible to export the delicious products of this land.
Precisely because of these reasons and taking into account the potential of the territory, this area has been defined as the “California of the South”, that is, linking it to the State of California which is one of the main agricultural producers in the USA.
The area is therefore famous for its varied fruit and vegetable production. A number of vegetables and fruit are grown here such as oranges, kiwis and apricots, but one of the most excellent products is the Candonga Strawberry. A fruit with an authentic flavour, with an elongated conical shape and a ruby red colour.