Aglianico is a word that derives from «ellenicum», and in fact it was the Greeks who introduced the vines in this corner of Basilicata, where the extinct volcano of Vulture is the backdrop.

From these vines is produced Aglianico del Vulture, a DOC wine sung even by the poet Horace, his great admirer. The intense ruby ​​red color and the velvety, warm and decisive flavor are the distinctive features of this wine.

Many producing companies have equipped themselves with important investments, and what was previously a wine destined only for the Lucanian market or at most the southern one, is now a product exported everywhere.

There are numerous events that are held every year in honor of Aglianico del Vulture wine, during which it is possible to taste it and accompany it to excellent foods prepared with typical local products.

Experts explain that Aglianico wine should be drunk aged one year, but it is even better if five years have passed since bottling. In any case, when the wine is well preserved, aging knows no limits. And it is good to know, because hardly anyone who happens to Rionero, Barile, Rapolla, Ripacandida, Ginestra, Maschito, Forenza, Acerenza, Melfi, Atella, Venosa, Lavello, Palazzo San Gervasio, Banzi, Genzano di Lucania, Montemilone, renounces to house a few bottles of red. Only in these parts, however, will you be able to taste the wine in its best combinations.