01 – Walking in Vulture-Melfese, a ring-route among ancient castles and fairy-tale woods

Difficulty: medium / high
Bike type: touring / road racing / gravel / e-bike
Departure: Melfi – Train Station
Arrival: Melfi – Train Station
Total miles: 82 approximately
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1390 m
Height difference descent: 1400 m
Time of year: all year round, best in spring / autumn


Itinerario adatto a cicloturisti mediamente allenati, per la presenza di salite importanti e la notevole lunghezza del percorso. Sono segnalate opportune varianti che ne riducono di circa 25-30 km la lunghezza. In alternativa si può effettuare l’intero percorso suddividendolo in tre tappe.
Fruibile tutto l’anno, con la sola eccezione dei giorni in cui il percorso può essere imbiancato, il tour è particolarmente piacevole in primavera e in autunno.


A route which is suitable for moderately experienced cyclists due to the presence of significant climbs and the considerable length of the route. A number of possible variants are signposted, which can reduce its length by around 25-30 km. Alternatively, the entire route can be covered in three stages.

While accessible all year round, with the exception of days when the route is covered in snow, this tour is particularly enjoyable in spring and autumn.

The route starts from the Melfi train station and proceeds uphill through wheat fields and centuries-old olive trees. After a few kilometres of ups and downs, the route enters a verdant landscape dominated by the Monticchio Lakes, two expanses of water reflected in the splendid Benedictine Abbey of San Michele, home to the Vulture Natural History Museum.

You set off once more in the direction of Rionero on a tough climb, negotiating hairpin bends flanked by majestic trees. After about 4 km you reach the highest peak of the stage (865 meters above sea level). Just after the top, turn right and head towards Atella / Sant’Andrea di Atella.

Short alternative route

Continuing straight ahead, after about 10 km downhill, you reach Rionero and, crossing the historic centre of the town that was the birthplace of the southern Italian writer Giustino Fortunato, you join the road back to Melfi.

The descent, past farms and wheat fields, leads to Atella, home to marvellous architecture such as the Gate of San Michele and the Cathedral Santa Maria ad Nives. Crossing the valley, you arrive at the Lagopesole Castle, which rises majestically over the entire valley. Built by Frederick II on a pre-existing fort and used by him as a hunting lodge, it now houses a multimedia museum that tells the story of the Swabian emperor.

The itinerary continues towards Rionero and Barile, where a stop in an Aglianico DOC wine cellar is a must. Before returning to Melfi, about 1 km from the centre of Frederick’s town, it is possible to reach and visit the rock church of Santa Margherita.

short alternative route 01