The first settlements in the Accettura territory date back to the times of Magna Graecia, when it was called Acceptura. In early medieval times a borough was built in the Raja area, where families coming from Gallipoli, Costa di Raja and other places resettled. The town, under the name Achitorem, appears for the first time in a bull by Pope NiccolòII dated 1060. In the years around 1150 Accettura was subdued by Montescaglioso, in 1272 it was destroyed by a fire and rebuilt by order of king Charles I Anjou. In later times until the XIX Century, Accettura was a fiefdom of the nobility, the Bazzano, Della Marra, Ponsiaco, Carafa, Colonna and Spinelli families. In 1861 gangs of brigands led by Carmine Crocco and Josè Borjès besieged the town; as Piedmont troops neared, the besiegers left the ground without engaging in a battle. . In the inner town, the churches “Chiesa dell’ Annunziata” in baroque style, “Chiesa Madre di San Nicola” with its beautiful wooden statues, “Chiesa di Santa Chiara di Gallipoli” , “Chiesa di Sant’Antonio”, and the chapels of “Santi Giovanni e Paolo” and “Santa Maria dei Fiori” deserve a visit. Noteworthy are too the stately mansions of the Amodio, Spagna and Nota families of the nobility. In the nearby areas, included in the “Parco delle Dolomiti Lucane e di Gallipoli-Cognato”, the Spagna and De Luca fortified farms and the wood of Montepiano are of some interest. In the Gallipoli-Cognato wood is located the archaelogical area of Mount Croccia with remains of Italic walls.