The medieval heart of Marsicovetere is an extraordinary viewpoint. Protected by Monte Volturino, which reaches the height of 1,836 meters, it faces the wide Agri valley and the Cervati and Sirino mountains behind. Marsicovetere, situated at 1,000 m. altitude, has italic origins and can be identified with the fortress indicated by Strabone with the name of Vertina. The location was re-populated in early medieval times after the Roman town of Grumentum was devastated by the Saracen raids. The return to the lands down the valley started at the beginning of the XIX Century, when the Villa d’Agri settlement was built. The imposing ancient castle perched on the edge of a rocky cliff has given way to a hamlet which preserves parts of the walls and the main gate. The Chiesa Madre (Mother Church) dedicated to St Peter and St Paul, located in the upper town, was completed in 1639: it is a conspicuous example of neapolitan baroque and it has been repaired after the earthquakes of 1857 and 1980. In the nearby Barricelle district, the ruins of a Roman country residence, center of archeological excavations in 2006. To promote excursions, Mount Volturino has been fitted on the northern side with lifting facilities.Near the summit, the sanctuary of Santa Maria Assunta.