Casa delle Muse Sinisgalli in Montemurro

Covering almost 200 square meters, it offers visitors the chance to discover one of the most complex and original personalities of the twentieth century.
Headquarters of the Sinisgalli Foundation, the Casa delle Muse Sinisgalli (‘House of the Sinisgalli Muses’) includes the library of the “engineer poet”, rebuilt in one of the rooms and which houses 3,000 volumes, his desk and the famous oil portrait by the painter Maria Padula.
The following exhibitions are also currently open to visitors: “La soffitta di Sinisgalli” (‘Sinisgalli’s attic’), on the material (documents, objects, volumes, etc.) found in the cellar and in the attic; “Intimo Sinisgalli”, on the fund acquired by the Foundation from Agnese De Donato (30 drawings, photographs, manuscripts and unpublished poems) and “Elogio dell’Entropia” (‘In praise of Entropy’) on the discovery of 42 absorbent papers, of considerable artistic interest.