Ripacandida, Sanctuary of San Donato

San Donato, the patron saint of Ripacandida, is not just the main figure in an impressive procession, but also lends his name to the Sanctuary that stands at the entrance to the village, one of the most beautiful places of worship in the region.
The precious Sanctuary of San Donato, thanks to the marvellous frescoes of the Giotto school that decorate its walls, has earned Ripacandida the title of “Little Assisi” of Basilicata.
The simple façade, improved with the addition of the 17th century doorway, provides access to a wonderful site of art and devotion. In the small temple of Ripacandida, figures of saints and allegorical images seem to dance elegantly along the walls, creating a series of frescoes that tell the story of the most important episodes in the sacred texts, giving viewers the feeling of leafing through a real “illustrated Bible”.
The depictions include the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, the Resurrection, images referring to Hell and to Heaven with Christ on his throne. There is a particularly emotive fresco depicting St Francis receiving the stigmata. The author of the paintings is said to be an unknown artist of the Giotto school.
Leaving the Church of San Donato, on the left, you can visit the Garden of St Francis of Assisi: a labyrinth of centuries-old trees of extraordinary beauty.