The Abbey of St Michele Arcangelo

The Abbey of St Michele Arcangelo

In the splendid natural setting offered by the two lake basins of Monticchio, stands the Abbey of St Michele Arcangelo. The Abbey was built in the 8th century AD on the site of a cave, dug into the tuff, inhabited by Basilian monks.

Today, a multi-storey convent, an 18th-century church and the Chapel of St Michele Arcangelo are part of the complex. The Angel Cave dedicated to St Michele is adorned with frescoes dating back to the mid 11th century and was the place where the Italo-Greek monks who once inhabited the area used to gather in prayer.

Very attractive is the view from the church of the Monticchio lakes, which was made possible by the opening of the late-medieval façade of the sanctuary along the corridor connecting the guest quarters to the convent. Finally, a small room, connected to the left side aisle, was converted into a chapel to house the high altar removed from the presbytery after the destruction of the Baroque decoration.

The Vulture Regional Park