The Sanctuary of Sacro Monte di Viggiano and the Black Madonna

Sacro Monte di Viggiano is the site of the most important Marian shrine in the region, dedicated to the Black Madonna, Queen of Viggiano, proclaimed Patroness of Basilicata in 1991 by Pope John Paul II.
Legend has it that, between 1200 and 1300, sudden flashes of light on the Sacro Monte attracted the attention of a group of shepherds. The news was immediately reported to the bishop and then to the Pope, who ordered the clergy and the people to go to the site of the apparition and dig. This is how the wooden statue of the Virgin Mary was found, which seems to have lain in that place since 1050, i.e. from the time of the destruction of the ancient Grumentum by the Saracens.
Thus began a story of deep faith and devotion.

The National Park of Appennino Lucano

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