The oil of Basilicata has had PGI recognition since 2020, a certification conferred by the European Union. Lucanian evo oil is now officially entered in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications.
A quality brand that gives prestige to the work of the many Lucanian producers and millers. With the Lucano PGI extra virgin olive oil, the Basilicata brand products of excellence officially rise to eighteen with five DOP, seven PGI, four DOC, one DOCG and one IGT.
Thanks to this recognition, the Lucanian oil product is officially recognised, with a dedicated brand, as a great agri-food excellence, good not only for the palate, but also for your health.
What characterises this product is the harmony between the olfactory and gustatory notes. When tasted you can notice aromatic notes of fresh grass, artichoke, tomato, almond and apple, while to look at the extra virgin olive oil is characterised by a colour ranging between green and yellow.
The presence of olive trees in Basilicata boasts very ancient origins; pieces of wood, olives, leaves and stones, dating back to the sixth century A.C., were found in Pantanello di Metaponto, during some archaeological excavations. It seems that it was the Greek colonists who introduced varieties that adapted to this environment, as in the case of the Maiatica, which are not found elsewhere.