Ingredients for the pasta
1 kg of flour
1 glass of extra-virgin lucanian oil (IGP)
1 glass of white wine
50 gr of sugar

Ingredients for the stuffing
500 gr. of boiled chestnuts Marroncino di Melfi IGP
200 gr. dark chocolate
1 grated Montalbano orange peel
1 pinch of cinnamon
1 clove
1 glass of cooked must from Aglianico del Vulture DOC wine

For frying
Extra virgin olive oil from Ferrandina or Vulture

Ingredients for the decoration
Ripacandida honey
Powdered sugar

Knead flour, sugar, wine and oil in order to get a firm and smooth dough. Wrap the dough in a napkin and let it stand for half an hour.

Pass the boiled chestnuts in a potato masher and put them in a bowl. Meanwhile, put the chocolate in a pot and cook it in a bain-marie. Add the chocolate and the other ingredients to the chestnuts.

Strech the dough with a rolling pin and cut it into strips of about 10 centimeters wide. With a spoon, put some stuffing in the middle of the stripe of pastry at about three centimeters away from each other and then fold it like a book. Firmly press the sides of the pastry in order not to let the stuffing out while cooking.
Now the calzoncelli are ready to be fried in rather hot oil until they are golden.
Drain them, place them on absorbent paper and let them cool completely. Finally sprinkle with powdered sugar or honey drops.