With its crystalline colour, sometimes darker, and with a delicate or more bitter taste, honey in Basilicata is often combined with cheeses, such as pecorino or ricotta, a mutual exaltation of taste.

Produced in most of the region, different types and qualities of sweet nectar can be tasted according to your preferences. The Millefiori is renowned, whose flavour varies according to the flower essences used, but you will also enjoy orange blossom honey, especially typical of the Metapontino area, chestnut honey, dark in colour and intense in flavour, and eucalyptus, very similar to the essence of liquorice.

Made following the most traditional processes, in Basilicata honey is the undisputed protagonist of taste in ancient and modern recipes. A precious and sought-after product, it gives its title to the Lucanian Honey Exhibition, staged in Ripacandida, a small and charming village in the Vulture Melfese area, every year in August.

A unique opportunity to taste it in all its variants!