“The Four Seasons and The Twelve Months of The Year” in Cirigliano

Carnevale di Cirigliano

“.. .but if the comrades are with me, a flask of wine, a piece of sausage, I shoot a woodcock, kill the thrushes, I look at beautiful girls, and live through my memories”.

So reads a passage from the part of “Inverno” (Winter), one of the protagonists of the original carnival of Cirigliano, who wears a robe featuring the characteristics of the reference month or season.

Along the procession, which winds along the roads of the beautiful stone town, the participants, led by a main mask, “Capodanno” (New Year’s Eve), recite poems in a type of Italian that is not really correct, verses handed down from father to son and referring to the abundance of the earth, to spring, and to the collection of specific products.

On the day of Shrove Tuesday, “the months of the year” and “the four seasons” accompany the coffin of Carnival in a procession, dressed to the nines for the occasion, while in the background you hear the eerie wailing of his wife “Quaremma”.

The ironic event culminates with the lighting of the bonfire to burn poor Carnevale who throughout the event is played by a young person from Cirigliano, but in the final phase, of course, is represented by a puppet!

Comune di Cirigliano
T. +39 0835 563081
F. +39 0835 563209
Pro Loco di Cirigliano
T. +39 0835 1853639
Mob. +39 360 438069