Bernalda is a village, which has been correctly defined as “Il salotto della Basilicata”(the lounge of the Basilicata) because of its beautiful main avenue dotted with palms and making it a sort of Hollywood branch but also thanks to its most illustrious citizen: the Film Director Francis Ford Coppola, whose family originates from Bernalda. He decided to buy here a property turning it into an exclusive resort for him, his family and for the public too, for those who want to have some luxury experiences not far from the beaches of Metaponto and of the Sassi of Matera.
But Bernalda is not only style and movida but also history and traditions, which you can discover thanks to a tour in its historical centre originated in the 15th Century, during the Aragonese domination, where you can visit its impressive castle dominating the Basento river valley with its panorama views overlooking up to the mountains of the Pollino National Park in Calabria. And after a beautiful walk, why not enjoying an “aperitivo”with some Scorzetta biscuits or even better taking part to a cooking class by visiting a local pastry to learn how to do them with your own hands, filling them with different types of chocolate and of course taste them? This activity can be combined with a tour of Metaponto or one of the villages around Matera.