21 - The Foreigners' Road - from Matera to Potenza


Difficulty: medium / high
Bike type: road, gravel, e-bike
Departure: Melfi – Train Station
Arrival: Melfi – Train Station
Total miles: 112km
Road surface: asphalt and some gravel
Height difference ascent: 1850 m
Height difference descent: 1440 m
Time of year: all year round, best in spring / autumn

total distance km 34.8
ascent 860
descent 810
terrain: asphalt


From Matera to Potenza you ride on a path that overlaps the Strada degli Stranieri (“the Route of the Foreigners”) for long stretches, a strategic sheep-track that for millennia had enabled foreigners, the Greeks, to travel from the Ionian to the Tyrrhenian Sea, from the Greek city of Metapontum to that of Paestum.

The route, which we suggest to take in 2 stages, starts from the Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Matera, one of the oldest cities in the world and European Capital of Culture 2019. The city is world famous for its Sassi, a World Heritage site since 1993 along with the Park of the Rupestrian Churches.

Leaving the northern outskirts of the city, you approach and skirt Lake San Giuliano until reaching the centre of Grassano, the birthplace of Master Francesco Artese, an internationally renowned nativity scene artist. Continuing on the SS7 state road, after a long climb, you arrive in Tricarico, a town known for its Carnival, recognized as a Historical Carnival of Italy by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism (MIBACT). Climb further up to the Cupolicchio pass

Once at the Cupolicchio pass, on the SS7 road, exit to the right to reach Albano di Lucania and then Campomaggiore. Once in the centre of this picturesque village, we recommend a detour to Campomaggiore Vecchio, location of the La Città dell’Utopia (“The City of Utopia”) summer event. The last stop on this extended tour of the villages of the Piccole Dolomiti Lucane (Little Lucanian Dolomites) is Pietrapertosa, known for its Volo dell’Angelo (Angel Flight).

The next stop on the tour is the medieval village of Vaglio di Basilicata, with its archaeological areas, that of Serra, whose plateau was occupied by the Peuketiantes in the second half of the 8th century BC, and that of Rossano, site of the sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Mefitis.

A few more kilometres and you reach Potenza, the highest regional capital in Italy. Elegant and welcoming, the city revolves around its thousand-year-old historical centre, made up of stately palaces and ancient gateways, medieval towers and a splendid central square dominated by the Teatro Stabile, built in 1857 in the image of the San Carlo theatre in Naples.

20 - In the footsteps of Giro d'Italia: from the Pollino National Park to Matera


This stage tour retraces much of the stage of the Giro d’Italia that passed through Basilicata in 2020. The last kilometres are those the 2013 Giro d’Italia covered in the region.


The route starts from Rotonda, the gateway to the Pollino National Park, and crosses the entire Lucanian side of the park, amidst unspoilt natural scenery where the thousand-year-old Heldreich’s pine reigns supreme.

After passing through the villages of Viggianello and San Severino Lucano, surrounded by the lavish scenery of the Bosco Magnano, you descend to Francavilla in Sinni and then climb up to Chiaromonte, a treasure trove of valuable objects and papers from China, brought to Basilicata by Ludovico Nicola di Giura, the only Mandarin Mayor in history.

After a long descent, skirting the artificial reservoir of the Monte Cotugno Dam, you reach Senise and from here go up towards San Giorgio Lucano and then reach Valsinni, the romantic village overlooked by the feudal castle where the young poet Isabella Morra was born and lived.

After passing Rotondella, the tour continues towards the beaches of the Ionian Sea, enjoying the natural spectacle provided by the ravines. First stop on the Ionian coast is Tursi, with the splendid Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Anglona, then Craco, the ‘ghost town’, Pisticci and finally Bernalda.

With a moderately demanding climb, you then reach Montescaglioso, famous for the Benedictine Abbey of San Michele Arcangelo and from here, skirting the Park of the Rupestrian Churches, in Matera, European Capital of Culture 2019.

Stage 1 - from Rotonda to Senise

Difficulty: medium / high
Bike type: road racing / gravel / e-bike
Departure: Rotonda
Arrival: Senise
Total miles: 70,2km
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1300 m
Height difference descent: 1560 m

Starting from Rotonda, seat of the Pollino National Park, you cross the entire Lucanian side of the park passing through Viggianello and San Severino Lucano After passing Bosco Magnano you go down to Francavilla in Sinni and then go up to Chiaromonte. Long descent and arrival in Senise, overlooking the Montecotugno dam.

Stage 2 - from Senise to Pisticci

Difficulty: medium
Bike type: road racing / gravel / e-bike
Departure: Senise
Arrival: Pisticci
Total miles: 96km
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1240 m
Height difference descent: 1160 m

From Senise go up towards San Giorgio Lucano and take the old state road 104 Jonio – Sapri which leads to Valsinni, whose castle dominates the river. Continue through orchards and beautiful curves up to below Rotondella, to visit if you have an extra day to dedicate to the trip. Cross the Sinni river and reach Tursi passing by the Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Anglona. When you reach the bottom of the Agri valley (a short stretch with probable traffic), turn off for Craco. We are in the heart of the Calanchi area. The destination of the day is Pisticci, reachable with a series of hairpin bends on the old road, to avoid the long tunnel.

Tappa 3 - Da Pisticci a Matera

Difficulty: medium
Bike type: road racing / gravel / e-bike
Departure: Pisticci
Arrival: Matera
Total miles: 70,6km
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 940 m
Height difference descent: 920 m

Starting from Pisticci, cross the Basento at Tinchi until you reach Bernalda. From Bernalda you go down towards the Bradano and cross the bridge over the river (closed to car traffic but accessible by bike). Continue left towards Montescaglioso, reachable with a moderately demanding climb. Leaving Montescaglioso along the Parco delle Chiese Rupestri with a climb that becomes challenging in the last kilometers before reaching Via Lucana, which leads downhill to the center of Matera.

19 - From the loricate pine to the pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea: from Rotonda to Maratea


Difficulty: medium
Bike type: gravel / road racing / e-bike
Departure: Rotonda
Arrival: Maratea
Total miles: 65 approximately
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1390 m
Height difference descent: 1640 m
Time of year: from April to November


Medium difficulty route with many descents and climbs that are quite pedalable. Traffic almost non-existent in the Park area and then increased especially near the inhabited centers of Lauria and Trecchina.

18 - Cycling in the Pollino National Park, the largest in Italy, a ring-route between rites and myths


Difficulty: high
Bike type: gravel / road racing / e-bike
Departure: Rotonda
Arrival: Rotonda
Total miles: 60 approximately
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1440 m
Height difference descent: 1440 m
Time of year: from April to November


This is a round trip that highly experienced cyclists can complete in a single day, despite the challenging climbs.

17 - Crossing the Pollino National Park, from Terranova del Pollino to Rotonda 


Difficulty: medium / high
Bike type: touring / road racing / gravel / e-bike
Departure: Terranova del Pollino
Arrival: Rotonda
Total miles: 58 approximately
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1200 m
Height difference descent: 1200 m
Time of year: from April to November


A mountain route suitable for experienced cyclists, which can be covered in a single day. The tour, at the heart of the Pollino National Park, is characterized by tough climbs but also by enjoyable descents, on roads with very little traffic.

16  - From the blue of the Ionian Sea to the green of the Pollino National Park forests


Difficulty: medium / high
Bike type: touring / road race / e-bike
Departure: Policoro – railway station
Arrival: Terranova del Pollino
Total miles: 73 approximately
Road surface: asphalt (some gravel)
Height difference ascent: 1473 m
Height difference descent: 587 m
Time of year: from April to November


This route, designed for moderately experienced cyclists, can be divided into two stages.

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It starts from Policoro, the ancient Heraclea. The sea and the archaeology, the unspoiled nature of the Bosco Pantano reserve, the fragrance of the famous strawberries and other local produce all accompany the cyclist on this journey through Magna Graecia.

After passing the hamlet of Pane e Vino, skirting the Sinni river, continue in the direction of Rotondella. The village, which can be visited by turning left at the crossroads, owes its name to its round shape and is counted among the “Authentic Villages of Italy” due to its advantageous location.

If we continue straight ahead at the crossroads, we reach Valsinni, the romantic village overlooked by the feudal castle where the young, ill-fated poet Isabella Morra was born and lived.

At this point the cyclist enters the Pollino National Park. The landscape begins to change from low Mediterranean vegetation to mid-mountain vegetation: we are in San Giorgio Lucano.

Leaving the town of San Giorgio, at the crossroads for the SS92, proceeding to the right you reach San Costantino Albanese, an important centre of Arbëreshë culture.

After 10 kilometres uphill, you reach the route’s destination, Terranova del Pollino (930 metres above sea level), an ideal location for the most extreme outdoor activities, such as canyoning, rafting and kayaking.

15 - Emotional journey, ring-route from the archaeological excavations of Grumentum to the Black Madonna of Viggiano


Difficulty: medium
Bike type: gravel / road racing / e-bike
Departure: Grumentum
Arrival: Grumentum
Total miles: 78 approximately
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1280 m
Height difference descent: 1280 m
Time of year: from April to November


Itinerary in the area between the Agri river and the Pertusillo dam.
Easy route that always follows the valley bottom but also offers ideas for exploring other inland areas, climbing important climbs among fairytale landscapes.

14 - The Val d'Agri Park, a ring-route through nature, archaeology and spirituality


Difficulty: high
Bike type: gravel / road racing / e-bike
Departure: Grumentum (archaeological area)
Arrival: Grumentum (archaeological area)
Total miles: 73.8 km
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1600 m
Height difference descent: 1590 m
Time of year: from March to October

Variant for Brienza
Km 14.4
Uphill difference in height: 450 meters
Difference in height downhill: 420 mt


The itinerary starts from the archaeological excavations of Grumentum, the most important Roman site in Basilicata, and then proceeds to Sarconi, a village known for the production of the IGP bean.

13 - From Potenza to the Lucanian Apennines National Park, a ring-route through cultivated hills and mountain landscapes


Difficulty: high
Bike type: touring / road race / e-bike
Departure: Potenza railway station
Arrival: Potenza railway station
Total miles: 85.3 approximately
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1580 m
Height difference descent: 1580 m
Time of year: recommended from March to November

Variation for Brienza
Km 14.4
Height difference ascent: 450 m
Height difference descent: 450 m


A circular route between Savoia, Satriano, Brienza and Sasso di Castalda, suitable for cyclists experienced in hill climbs, which should be taken into two stages. 

12 - Urban landscapes and natural oases, a round trip to discover the treasures of the Apennines


Difficulty: high
Bike type: gravel / road racing / e-bike
Departure: Potenza, train station
Arrival: Potenza, train station
Total miles: 103 approximately
Road surface: asphalt
Height difference ascent: 1730 m
Height difference descent: 1730 m
Time of year: recommended from March to November


Circular route with long but pedalable climbs and almost non-existent traffic.
Having a fairly high elevation profile, this stage tour is not recommended in the middle of winter, but highly recommended in summer, thanks also to the thick tree cover present.