Motorbike route: Matera - Policoro

MOTOTURISMO basilicata turistica

Motorbike routes

Matera - Policoro: Route Nature and Culture

From Matera to the Ionian Coast


The route starts from Matera, the city of the Sassi. A magical land, where the past and future intertwine in a whirlwind of beauty, catapulting unsuspecting visitors into a dimension that exists beyond time.
The second stop is Montescaglioso. Part of the archaeological area of “Parco delle Chiese Rupestri del Materano” (Park of the Rupestrian churches in Matera), Montescaglioso is home to four monastic complexes and is thus known as the town of monasteries. Among these, the Benedictine abbey of San Michele Arcangelo is one of the most important centres of monastic culture and spirituality in Southern Italy.
Metaponto, ocated on the plain of Metapontino, between the Bradano and Basento rivers.oday, Metaponto is part of a vast archaeological area that includes the Temple of the Tavole Palatine, dating back to the sixth century BC.
The ruins of the temple, which was dedicated to the mythological deity Hera, consist of 15 columns (although there were originally 32) and Doric capitals.
Before the arrival to the ionian coast, there is Craco, nestled in the silence of the gullies, surrounded by a quiet and evocative landscape, is situated on a hill just a few kilometres from Matera. It has earned the name the ghost town because it is uninhabited, but visitors are attracted to the timeless place despite this. The the small abandoned village is now only accessible on foot and accompanied by a guide, and tourists can only visit with a Craco Card, an entry card issued by the local municipal administration. Thousands of visitors come to Craco periodically, attracted by its singular beauty and intrigued by its mysterious features.
The next stop is Aliano, surrounded by the harsh and evocative landscape of the gullies, is perched on a clay spur, dominated by the Agri Valley and the Sauro stream. Aliano is remembered as the place where Carlo Levi spent his period of exile from 1935 to 1936, and is also well known for inspiring the most beautiful dedication from his famous book “Christ stopped at Eboli”.
Valsinni, the new settlement is situated along the banks of the Sinni River, while the medieval village, which enjoys a wonderful panorama of the entire valley, is crowned by the emblematic feudal castle, the setting of the sad story of Isabella Morra.
In the fertile and sunlit Metapontino plain, drenched by the Ionian sea, lies Policoro, whose name means “spacious” in ancient Greek.It is currently one of the largest and most economically important towns in the province of Matera. The National Archaeological Museum of Siritide, with the Sanctuary of Demetra and the Dionysus Temple, the unspoilt nature of the Pantano woods and the golden beaches of the Ionian coast are just some of the must-see tourist attractions that provide the setting for a “young” ancient Greek colony.

Motorbike route Maratea - Scanzano Ionico

MOTOTURISMO basilicata turistica

Motorbike routes

Maratea - Scanzano Ionico,  Nature and Culture

From Tyrrhenian coast to Ionian coast, through Appenino Lucano, Val d'Agri and Lagonegrese National Park


The route starts from Maratea, The only Lucanian access point to the Tyrrhenian Sea, Maratea’s beauty dominates the coastline facing the Gulf of Policastro, between Campania and Calabria. With 32 km of pure beauty, Maratea combines a jagged coastline filled with enchanting coves and idyllic beaches with the pristine vegetation of the imposing mountains.
Next stop is Tramutola. Walking through the nar- row streets of the historic centre, visitors can admire the doorways of the ancient noble palazzos and the small stone carvings of women that adorn them as a symbol of fertility.
A pochi chilometri si trova Viggiano, compreso nell’area naturale del Parco dell’Appennino Lucano e circondato da un’atmosfera magica fatta di boschi con numerose essenze e da una fauna ricca e varia. Identificata come la Città dell’arpa e della musica, Viggiano è il fulcro di un’antica tradizione musicale di grande fascino, quella appunto dell’Arpa popolare italiana.

Nest stop Aliano, Surrounded by the harsh and evocative landscape of the gullies, Aliano is perched on a clay spur, domi- nated by the Agri Valley and the Sauro stream. Aliano is remembered as the place where Carlo Levi spent his period of exile from 1935 to 1936, and is also well known for inspiring the most beautiful dedication from his famous book “Christ stopped at Eboli”.
Before the arrival to the Ionian coast, the stop is at Craco, Nestled in the silence of the gullies, surrounded by a quiet and evocative landscape, Craco is situated on a hill just a few kilometres from Matera. It has earned the name the ghost town because it is uninhabited, but visitors are attracted to the timeless place despite this.
The next stop is Tursi, is the birthplace of Albino Pierro. Not far from Tursi, the Sanctuary of Santa Maria Regina di Anglona was declared a National Monument in 1931 and is worth a visit.
In the fertile and sunlit Metapontino plain, drenched by the Ionian sea, lies Policoro, whose name means “spacious” in ancient Greek. In fact, the Greek exiles founded two of the most important colonies in southern Italy in this area. It is currently one of the largest and most economically important towns in the province of Matera. The National Archaeological Museum of Siritide, with the Sanctuary of Demetra and the Dionysus Temple, the unspoilt nature of the Pantano woods and the golden beaches of the Ionian coast are just some of the must-see tourist attractions that provide the setting for a “young” ancient Greek colony.
The last stop of the route is Scanzano Jonico, the most recently established town in the province of Matera. Thanks to its mild climate and fertile soil, Scanzano Jonico is known for its extensive citrus, kiwi and vegetable plantations, which earned it the nickname “Little Southern California”. The dunes offer an area of great natural interest, where Mediterranean scrubs thrive and marvellous marine turtles return to the unspoilt Ionian beaches every year to lay their eggs.

Motorbike route SS 407 - Nova Siri Scalo

MOTOTURISMO basilicata turistica

Motorbike routes

SS 407 - Nova Siri Scalo: Nature route

Discovering the Ionian coast passing through the Pollino National Park


The route starts from Tursi, the city of Albino Pierro to which the Literary Park is dedicated, located in the middle of two great rivers of Lucania, the Agri and the Sinni. Not far from Tursi, the Sanctuary of Santissima Maria di Anglona, elected a national monument since 1931. Its Romanesque-style portal and bell tower are splendid. Inside, the church has a Latin cross shape and has three naves divided by arches and pillars. Crossing the heart of the Pollino National Park, in the valley crossed by the Sarmento river, a tributary of the Sinni, we find the small town of San Costantino Albanese.
Crossing the Pollino National Park you reach the Ionian coast and the town of Nova Siri, formed by a “marina”, a few hundred meters from the sea, and a “historic center” located about 10 km inland.