Among the most characteristic villages of the Lucanian mountains and the “most beautiful villages in Italy”, Castelmezzano owes its fame not only to the stupendous scenery offered by the Little Lucanian Dolomites but also to the attraction created there: “The flight of the angel”, a steel cable that connects Castelmezzano with the overlooking village of Pietrapertosa by means of an adrenaline-fuelled flight of a kilometre and a half in just over a minute. A unique spectacle, suspended 100 meters above the ground, for the more adventurous. But for those who do not want to fly, the two villages are also connected by land through “The Path of the Seven Stones”, an ancient sheep track for a journey into imagination and tradition that unfolds in seven stages, recovering a story taken from the text “Vito danced with the witches” by Lucanian journalist Mimmo Sammartino.
In the historic centre of the village we find the Mother Church of Santa Maria dell’Olmo built in local stone in Romanesque style, which houses a fresco of San Rocco protector of the village, a wooden statue of the Madonna dell’Olmo (13th century) and a canvas of the “Holy Family” made by Lucanian painter Giovanni De Gregorio, also called the Pietrafesa. The Church of the Santo Sepolcro, one of the oldest in Castelmezzano, has Byzantine origins and houses the wooden statue of the Madonna dell’Ascensione (14th century) that, according to a legend, was found by two fishermen by the sea and to whom the Madonna herself asked be taken to Castelmezzano.
In addition, the chapels of Santa Maria, the Madonna dell’Annunziata, San Marco and Santa Maria “Regina Coeli” are worth a visit.
In addition to the liturgical heritage, in the village it is possible to admire several noble palaces of fine workmanship and the remains of a castle dating back to the Norman period (XI-XIII century AD), built as a stronghold in a central position with respect to the castles of Pietrapertosa and Brindisi di Montagna.
Today the elements that are preserved are part of the surrounding walls, a cistern for collecting rainwater and the long and steep staircase carved into the rock, probably used as a lookout post, from which it was possible to monitor the underlying Basento river valley.
Every year in Castelmezzano, on the occasion of the celebrations of Sant’Antonio, the arboreal rite of marriage among trees is celebrated, under the name of “Sagra du ‘Masc”. A robust trunk of Turkey oak, “the groom” also known as “Maggio”, is chosen from the woods of the Regional Park of Gallipoli Cognato and Piccole Dolomiti Lucane together with the “bride”, a holly top, and both are carried by oxen to the town square, where their grafting and raising takes place between dances, songs and traditional flavours.

Castelmezzano is located close to the village of Pietrapertosa within the Parco Regionale di Gallipoli Cognato e delle Dolomiti Lucane, south east of Potenza.
Castelmezzano is one of the highest villages in Basilicata with clusters of houses perched precariously on its narrow ledges which drop sharply away into the gorge below.The village offers evocative panoramas and is rich in history and tradition. One of its colourful festivals takes place in September – the Marriage of the Trees.
In the village itself is the Chiesa Madre di Santa Maria dell’Olmo which dates back to the 13th century and hosts a precious 14th century wooden statue of the Madonna with Child, known as ‘Madonna of the Elm’.The Madonna delle Grazie Chapel is also worth visiting and a beautiful Baroque altar can be found here.You
can also visit the ruins of the ancient city walls and the historic castle, Castrum Medianum.

Castrum Medianum (Castle in the Middle)
This is a Norman castle which was built after occupation by the Lombards, and it was from its name that the town derived its own.Tourists can now visit what is left of the castle; the ruins of its walls and a flight of stairs where people can get a high viewpoint of the surrounding area.