Castelsaraceno, whose name derives from Castrum Saracenum (Saracen stronghold), rises at 916 meters above sea level, on the northern slopes of Mount Alpi. Set in an area rich in woods, it features a Baronial palace from the fifteenth century and the seventeenth century Church di Santo Spirito that preserves a triptych by painter D’Amato, belonging to the Neapolitan School of Raphael, and a prestigious polyptych depicting San Leonardo, the latter to be attributed to painter Ippolito Borghese. Also interesting is the Church of San Rocco, with a wooden statue of Blessed Stefano Seno inside. Finally, outside the village, in Mancusi, we find the ruins of an ancient water mill.
An arboreal rite is also celebrated in Castelsaraceno: the ‘Ndenna, part of the arboreal rites that take place in Basilicata, in the territory of the Pollino National Park. The celebration takes place over three days, the first three Sundays in June: the day of the cutting of the ‘Ndenna (the Groom), the day of the cutting of the Cunocchia (the Bride) and the final day, which coincides with the celebrations dedicated to Sant’Antonio da Padova, in which the union of the two trees and their raising in the main square are celebrated.
Interesting is the ongoing project which envisages the construction of a Tibetan bridge in Castelsaraceno which, once completed, will be the longest in the world with a total length close to 700 meters. A bridge that will also have the aim of connecting the Pollino National Park and the Appennino Lucano-Val d’Agri Lagonegrese National Park.