Returning to the provincial road number 4 we reach San Severino Lucano, whose name derives from the Sanseverino, a well-known family of feudal lords of the fifteenth century. The centre is characterised by the sixteenth century Mother Church, which preserves the statue of the Madonna di Pollino, still today venerated with great intensity throughout the territory. Every year, in late spring, the Virgin is led to her sanctuary, located on a rocky spur a few kilometres from San Severino: here she remains until the Thursday preceding the first Sunday in July when, for three days, a great celebration takes place to the rhythm of country music and dances until Sunday, the day when the statue is brought back to the village accompanied by a long procession.
The village offers interesting landscape views that capture the Serra del Prete in the foreground and, in the background, the Serra Dolcedorme and Monte Pollino. Near San Severino the splendid Magnano wood is worth a visit, a naturalistic oasis characterised by numerous beeches and Turkey oaks of considerable size. There are also several streams of water, including the Peschiera stream, a tributary of the Frido, which is the ideal home for the otter, a species that in recent years has begun to populate again the waterways present in the perimeter of the Park. Finally, the ruins of the Sagittario Abbey in the homonymous rural nucleus, founded in 1202 and become a centre of agricultural colonisation.
An unmissable stop in the territory of San Severino Lucano is represented by Mezzana, a village characterised by various hamlets including Salice, Frido and Torre. Of great historical and landscape interest are the ruins of the Iannarelli mill, located downstream of the road immediately after the wooden bridge near the confluence of the Salice and Frido torrents.