Aliano is a hill top town south west of Craco famed for its peculiar houses made only of raw clay and set in the beautiful clay landscape known as the Calanchi or ‘lunar landscape’. The cliff faces are made from white clay and sand which reach immense heights, and the surrounding valleys are characterised by water erosion and ravine.

The town is relatively quiet, however, it hosts one of the most extravagant Lucanian Carnival celebrations in Basilicata, La Maschere Cornute (the horned mask festival). Alongside this is the Festival of Paesologia (the moon and the Calanchi) which takes place in late summer or early autumn; a four day festival of art, humour, music, literature and sound, it is directed by poet Franco Arminio.

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Approfondisci il Carnevale di Aliano su Miti e Riti di Basilicata

Approfondisci Carlo Levi ad Aliano su Basilicata D’Autore