Ferrandina rises near the Basento river, around which the gentle landscapes of the Matera hills open up, and is a true architectural masterpiece with narrow-faced white houses, one next to the other and piled one on top of the other. The profile of the inhabited area that develops in length is animated on one side by the mighty bulk of the Mother Church, dedicated to Santa Maria della Croce and on the other by the majestic silhouette of the convent and the Church of San Domenico, with both large majolica dome. The first dates back to the end of the 15th century, the church of San Domenico and the convent date back to the 1500s, although today it is presented in Baroque forms.
The churches of Purgatory, with their beautiful sixteenth-century portal, and the monastery and church of Santa Chiara, built in the seventeenth century, are also interesting. The village is an evocative intertwining of stairways and alleys dotted with numerous noble buildings. Leaving the historic center, the seventeenth-century church of the Madonna dei Mali, internally frescoed, is also worth a visit, before moving into the surrounding hills covered with lush olive groves. It is from these that the Majatica di Ferrandina extra virgin olive oil is produced, a very high quality product with a very delicate flavor, in addition to the very tasty dried table olives in the oven. It is among these scenarios, on a hill from which it dominates all around, that the fascinating ruins of the castle of Uggiano arise, an ancient Byzantine military fortification dating back to the 9th century.


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