Named Montepeloso until 1895, the town has ancient origins, as evindenced by the numerous archaelogical finds dating back to the Greek-Roman period, discovered along with an important rock settlement found at the entrance of the village. These findings were brought to light by Michele Janora, to whom the Archaelogical Museum of the city is dedicated. The village was backdrop to bloody battles between the Saracens,  Byzantines and Normans, and was elected bishop’s seat in 1123. Within its turreted walls, the town offers noble palaces, portals and numerous exemples of valuable sacred building. In the cathedral, started in the 13th century, the statue of St. Euphemia stands out among wonderful polychrome marbles. The statue of the saint protector of the city is attributed to Mantegna.

Il Museo Archeologico Civico “Michele Janora”

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