The outline of a 27 metres high, ancient Norman tower dominates the houses of the ancient village of Tricarico, first Lombard, then Saracen, Byzantine and finally Norman stronghold. From the top of the village, the convent of S. Chiara stands out from the horizon, immersed in spirituality. Its entrance is past the 12th century chapel of the Crucifix, which was entirely frescoed in the 17th century by a talented painter from Ferrandina, Pietro Antonio Ferro. Descending towards the town centre you reach the focal point for Tricarico citizens: Piazza Garibaldi, overlooked by the 13th century Chiesa di San Francesco and the Ducal Palace, boasting a double portal with the Pignatelli and Revertera coats of arms. Inside, two rooms decorated with wooden ceilings preserve precious eighteenth-century paintings. The Convento di San Antonio di Padova (convent) and the Chiesa and Convento del Carmine make the monumental heritage of the city even richer. The convent contains a nativity scene created by the renowned artist Maestro Franco Artese, which reproduces the districts of the Arab-Norman city and some rural life scenes. The Museo archeologico (archaeological museum) and the Museo diocesano are worth visiting.

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Approfondisci il Presepe di Franco Artese a Tricarico su Basilicata Sacra 

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